Monday, October 5, 2009


A Misunderstanding. . .
I am very frustrated with the amount of misunderstanding people seem to have in the United States. We live in a great country. I will not argue that. We do not, however, live in the richest country. Yet, most people in America would claim we do and really believe it. As a country we are hyper-nationalistic, thinking and truly believing that we are number one in everything even when that is not the case. Today, I read an editorial in the Daily Kent Stater where a student was ironically complaining about others complaining about having no money. He wrote, “You live in the richest country in America” suggesting that those who lament know nothing of poverty. I will not dare to claim that we as a country experience near the extreme destitution of third world countries. We are, for the most part, very lucky here. A large majority of people in America are living below the poverty level though, and more and more people are falling to that level. We are, as of right now, the eighth richest country in the world ( The number is amazing considering the number of countries on this planet, but yet, it is not number one. It is also unimpressive when you consider how much of that wealth is shared by so few in the United States.
People in this country also tend to believe we are number one in health care. The media and government have propagandized people into believing this. Again, this is not the case. We are, in fact, ranked 37th in healthcare. We are ranked behind many of the other first world countries. You could tell many people this, and they simply wouldn’t believe you. It is willful ignorance.
Nationalism is important for the stability of a country, but when it is blind, as it appears to be in the U.S., it can be very dangerous. It is my firm belief that our over-zealous pride in our country is what is actually holding us back from becoming the ever sought after number one in the world.

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