Saturday, January 16, 2010

A lack of understanding...

In light of some recent comments about the earthquake in Haiti, I have to say I am really disgusted with certain Americans. A certain faction of this country believes that since we are in our so called economic crisis right now, we have no right or reason to donate to the efforts in Haiti. I would like to believe that pure ignorance is not driving these words but rather learned selfishness and a lack of realism.

Yes, we are in economic dire straights. However, it is nothing like what countries such as Haiti experience on a daily basis. We do not understand the total poverty that grips that country. Therefore, we equate our situation with theirs. They are not the same.

Furthermore, we have never experienced the level of natural disaster that Haiti is now experiencing. If we ever did, there would be an outcry to every country in the world to help us.

I do believe it is our moral obligation to help those in need in all countries of the world. It is on these principles that our country was supposedly built. However, people have forgotten this. In the land of plenty, it appears we have had too much and no longer can sympathize with the poor and beaten down. (This applies to even people in our own country. That is why so many oppose universal healthcare...)

I dare not even address the idiots that claim the earthquake was God's punishment for Haiti's lack of belief. It seems so hypocritical for those that proclaim to be Christian to spew such hatred and intolerance. These people no nothing of the meaning of religion. They corrupt their so-called word of God to convince themselves of their own in born self-righteousness. Pure ignorance.

If our country falters in the future, I think it will falter not from offering economic aid to those in trouble but rather from REFUSING to acknowledge the inter-connectedness of all human beings on this planet. If we refuse to lend a hand to those in need, inevitably, when we fall, no one will be there for us.

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