Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What I've learned in the first six months...

I don't normally use this blog to post personal stories and diatribes about life in wifehood and mommyhood, but for the sake of keeping a record, I'd like to share a list of things I learned in the first six months since having Austin.

1. The first two weeks with a newborn are very hard, and you won't know how hard, until you actually have a baby. They sleep most of the day but yet they seem to consume all your time. Until you "figure" things out, it is rough.
2. The newborn stage is very short. I was really worried about getting Austin to sleep at night for the first month. Now, I realize, all too soon that cuddly, I just want to be held stage ends. Enjoy it while it lasts.
3. Most toys are a waste of money at this age. Austin prefers water bottles to all the exspensive toys I've bought him.
4. You don't need a fancy bedding set. You're not supposed to use a bumper or blanket for the first year and sleepsacks are much more convenient than blankets anyway.
5. Huggies overnight diapers are the most awesome invention. No more nighttime leaks.
6. Going back to work is hard, but it isn't impossible. You learn to get through the day.
7. Routine is your friend. Start a bedtime routine around 6 weeks and stick to it. It really helps with sleeping.
8. Ok. Huggies Nighttime diapers AND the Sleep Sheep are the best inventions in the world. Get one.
9. Don't buy an exspensive swing. They are only in them for a very short time. (3-4 months.)
10. Don't over-read baby advice. (Ironic isn't it?) It can drive you nuts and make you paranoid.
11. To stay sane, try to do a load of laudry every other day and keep up on household tasks so they don't pile up. You will never have a full day to clean again.
12. If breastfeeding doesn't work in the begininng, try, try again. If it still doesn't work, do not feel guilty for giving formula.
13. They crawl soon enough. Enjoy the immobile stage while you can. I now have to chase Ausin all over the house.
14. Incorporate baby into your exercise routine so you stay active. Take a walk/job around the block with baby in the stroller.
15. Take some time for yourself once in a while. A couple hours away from the house/work/responsibilities recharge you and that is good.

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