Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why 5 bucks is too much...

Much debate has arisen lately over Bank of America's decision to begin charging its customers 5 dollars per month for using their debit cards. The CEO of the company has defended its decision by saying, "We have to make a profit." This seems to be every company’s excuse for all sorts of evil perpetrated against the American worker and consumer. We, in America, love the all might dollar, and by suggesting we are anything other than in love with profit, we are either admitting to socialism or communism. (P.S.- When did Socialism become a bad word?) In my opinion, Bank of America is no different than a vagrant walking up to you on the street and saying, "Give me 5 dollars." Because Obama made certain unethical banking fees illegal, the major companies are scrabbling to make up the profit they had no right to in the first place.

Companies don't just deserve money for the sake of it. They have to provide superior and new products for that money. What can Bank of America offer to customers because of this new fee? The answer: nothing. They want something for nothing which is what they accused the American public of when they took mortgages on that they couldn't afford. In this country, if you wear a business suit, you can commit crime on national TV. You can rob hundreds of people and the right wing will clap and applaud you for increasing the relentless march of capitalism.
Apple is a perfect example of how the American consumer is not anti-profit. We are willing to pay more when the product is superior and innovative. Bank of America needs to remember the people who make it its profits. The rabble of worker bees that it tells to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps. . .” It is hard to pull yourself up when you are trying tirelessly to dodge corporate thieves.

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